Sam Ubhi Signature

Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Sam Ubhi Bespoke Jewellery
Michelle Keegan wearing Sam Ubhi Jewellery

Sam Ubhi

Our new website is coming soon… hopefully!

Visit award winning jewellery designer Sam Ubhi in her Balham shop. Sam is famous for creating unique and eye-catching accessories that have elevated her jewellery to modern art status.

Sam Ubhi | 7 Bedford Hill, Balham, London SW12 9ET

Tue – Fri: 10.30am – 6pm
Sat: 10am – 6pm

020 8673 4558

Retail enquiries:
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Photos are courtesy of Country and Town Magazine

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